At the beginning of March, TWI staff embarked on an effort to remove and replace an old and damaged Osprey platform from the marsh. There were quite a few moving parts – coordinating with NJ Fish & Wildlife and Conserve Wildlife Foundation’s Osprey Project, taking down the old platform, transporting the new one (two trips!), organizing the installation crew, and then waiting on tides, weather, and schedules to align. Persistence and careful planning paid off though, and this week, with the help of Hanna Toft (who also donated the new platform) and a group of her students from Cape May County Technical High School, we completed the project – and just in time for the busy Osprey nesting season! The new platform is taller, more stable, and in a better location to provide a more secure nesting place for the birds.
Thanks to everyone on staff and all our partners for making this a success!
#wetlandsinstitute #stoneharbornj #middletownshipnj #osprey