Fun Fact Friday: Black-crowned Night-Herons are stocky, handsome herons of fresh-, salt-, and brackish water wetlands across North, Central, and South America – giving them the distinction of the world’s most widespread heron. Though populations of these birds are thought to be stable, habitat destruction and environmental pollutants pose serious threats to their long-term health.
In 2023, TWI scientists received a grant from the NJ DEP to monitor Black-crowned Night-Herons nesting on nearby Sturgeon and Gull Islands, to determine how the birds are using both historical dredge placement sites and new sites created as part of the Seven Mile Island Innovation Lab’s marsh restoration work. Last year, they banded 50 juvenile birds; this year, they hope to band and attach GPS transmitters to adult birds*, to better track their movements, identify habitat preferences and use, and see how they respond to changing conditions. Black-crowned Night-Herons are listed as Threatened in the state of NJ, so it’s particularly important to keep an eye on this population.
Fun Fact: Since they sit at the top of the food chain, a large colony of Black-crowned Night-Herons is a good sign, indicating a relatively healthy environment. They also tolerate urban settings well, and can be an early warning sign of environmental degradation.
*Note: All banding work is done by fully permitted and trained banders, in accordance with all state and federal laws and with the utmost care and concern for the safety and well-being of the birds.
#wetlandsinstitute #stoneharbornj #middletownshipnj #FunFactFriday #Heron