COLD SPRING GRANGE RESTAURANT Take-Away Menu for Saturday, April 20th (menu subject to change as per availability of items)
It’s a great day to stop by Cold Spring Brewery and listen to their live music from 2-4:30pm. While you are there, order Take-Way lunch or snacks from the Grange!
Take-Away available, Thursday-Sunday 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM. As we get further into the season, the Grange’s hours and menu will change. We will keep you posted here and on their website:
#HistoricColdSpringVillage #coldspringgrangerestaurant #takeawaymenu #csgtakeawaymenu #farmtotable #softopening #capemay #capemaycounty #goodeatsnj #stepbackintime #historiccapemaynj