Fun Fact Friday: Horseshoe crabs are not crabs at all, and are more closely related to spiders and scorpions than true crabs. Unlike their land-based cousins, though, horseshoe crabs can’t bite or sting (they’re actually completely harmless).
These remarkable creatures are true survivors – they’ve been around for more than 350 million years, and were on the scene before the dinosaurs. Their blood’s pretty special as well: horseshoe crab blood cells can detect and isolate bacteria that would otherwise cause infection. In fact, medical researchers use a substance in their blood (called LAL) to test vaccines and prosthetic devices (like heart valves and hip replacements) for the presence of bacteria – making them much safer to use.
The Wetlands Institute is a leading partner in the reTURN the Favor program, a multi-partner, volunteer effort to resuce stranded and overturned horseshoe crabs along bayside beaches in NJ. Since its inception, RTF has rescued more than one million horseshoe crabs – and you can help! Get involved in the reTURN the Favor program, and help ensure a bright future for these wonderful creatures! Learn more at
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