Fun Fact Friday: Did you know? Diamondback terrapins are at risk – and you can help them! The diamondback terrapin is a Northeast Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need and is being considered for Species of Special Concern status in New Jersey. Over the next several years, NJDEP Fish & Wildlife will be working with partners across the region to increase their understanding of important terrapin locations and reduce the many threats these turtles face.
Report your terrapin observations using the NJ Wildlife Tracker web app here: All terrapin sightings are welcome, though they are particularly interested in any groups of terrapins you observe in bays and tidal creeks. Check it out, and start helping terrapins today!
#wetlandsinstitute #NJDEP #terrapin #conservation #bethechange #FunFactFriday
Wildlife sightings from the public are incredibly useful to New Jersey Fish and Wildlife. If you’ve observed any of the following species in New Jersey, we’re interested! Please report your observations using the appropriate form* listed below.