Backwater Striper report and openings
Fishing remained good for most trips this past week. Fish to 31” were had and some trips produced over 30 Stripers for a trip here and there. I have dates open till just about Thanksgiving on the skiff for this year As the water temps start to drop I will add two trips daily( likely in a couple weeks). So please let me know if you’d like to give it a go. Light tackle action in calm waters.
I have the boat open for this weekend. For Very Early AM trips. (In the dark) 😉
Saturday and Sunday Mornings.
10/7 AM. 2 spots or private
I0/8 AM. 2 spots or private.
Give me a call or text to get on these trips
$185 for a single spot (2 people max)
$375 for a private (2 people max)
All tackle is included.
Captain Skip