NBC10’s Ted Greenberg recently visited the Delaware Bay to learn more about the reTURN the Favor program’s efforts to rescue stranded horseshoe crabs and the threats these ancient creatures face. Those familiar with The Wetlands Institute will recognize our own Dr. Lisa Ferguson, Director of Research and Conservation, and Meghan Kolk, Conservation Scientist. Thanks to Ted Greenberg and NBC10 Philadelphia for helping us get the word out, and to all the incredible RTF volunteers who work tirelessly to make a difference for these incredible animals. You can learn more at https://returnthefavornj.org/
Return the Favor NJ
#wetlandsinstitute #delawarebay #horseshoecrab #conservation
This is the time of year when horseshoe crabs emerge from the water to spawn, making them vulnerable to hazards. But experts say new dangers surfacing along the coastline are also becoming deadly obstacles for the creatures. NBC10’s Ted Greenberg explains.